Thursday, July 4, 2013


      I am in a TTC group on Facebook and a bunch of the women were talking about a conception reading they'd gotten. I ignored the posts at first because awhile back I got a psychic reading to find out when we'd get pregnant and found out we would have 3 boys and she gave me expected dates and everything. Well, the first date/baby has come and gone and obviously we have no baby. The psychic asked for names, dates of birth/ages, and any info on previous pregnancies or miscarriages. After giving all of the information, she said she "spoke" to our babies souls and they told her when they would be conceived and arrive and what sex they were. After the reading she gave me the information and that was that. I got excited about the prospective of having babies when she said and that I got a little closer to knowing the sex. However, I knew it wasn't all true. I believe in God, and I know He is in control. He is the one bestowing these beautiful blessings on us and I know in His time we'll physically receive them. But, impatient me wanted more answers, hence turning to the psychic.
      So this time, when the women were talking about tarot readings I was again skeptical. However, I feel like lately I've been losing hope in the whole situation. And to be honest, I knew getting a reading would give me some of that back. That I would be able to stress less and just enjoy this process I'm going through right now with weight loss. It'd be nice to know that this journey with getting healthy is going somewhere and that it will be all worth it because at the end I will be a mother. I know I know this. Like I said, I believe in God. In His time, I will be a mother. However, I am still super impatient and didn't think getting a reading would hurt anything. I paid the $2.50 and waited for my answers.
      This was my reading....
"...Your cards show conception (or getting your first positive pregnancy test) around Oct. 13 - Nov. 12
Your cards show if you are under a doctors' care, to trust that the healers in your life are there for a reason. There is potential for good health news if you are waiting on test results, for example.
Your reading shows a reminder to treat your body with care and compassion. Pay attention to what you are putting into your body and how you are surrounding yourself. Spending time with people you love and who love you will relax you and this will help, especially now.
I wish you good health and happiness!
Grace M."
      All this lady needed was my name and date of birth...none of the other information that the psychic needed. And I was super surprised that she touched on my weight loss journey a bit. How did she know?! If I am being honest, this reading gave me a lot of hope. I start clomid soon and have always felt that we'd get pregnant right away. If this reading is accurate, we will start Clomid in August and could conceive on the first or second cycle of it! I honestly thought that that is how it would happen. I hope the reading is right; that my thoughts were right. I still pray every single day that we will finally receive a beautiful baby soon. I still have all of my faith and trust in God. I have no doubts that we will be pregnant soon!

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