Monday, January 28, 2013

Drastic Changes

      One of the major obstacles that have hindered our chances of getting and staying pregnant is the fact that I am overweight. I am technically considered obese, which is heartbreaking to me. If I weren't overweight, would we have had miscarriages? If I weren't obese, would we be parents by now? I blame myself for the miscarriages and for us not being able to get pregnant. It kills me to know that our failure is because of my laziness and unhealthy habits. I have started to look at food as my addiction. Trying to lose weight is more of a mental obstacle than anything else. I know I have to make some drastic changes in order to see positive results, but right now I’m willing to do just about anything.
      Ideally, I’d be able to lose about 120 pounds! I know crazy right?! I have let myself get to such an unhealthy place. I have struggled with my weight since 5th grade. It has attributed to my low self-esteem, and my anxiety and depression. However, until now, I’d never really seen it. I've always known I needed to lose weight. I knew I was in plus sizes, and that I was unhappy, but I, in all honesty, didn't ever know it was THIS bad. I have tried any and every kind of diet program, and even a few different diet pills or supplements. I would lose weight for a bit, but slowly put it back on, plus some. I am one of the most impatient people I know, which caused mental obstacles when it comes to weight loss. If I wasn't seeing results right away, I’d get discouraged and quit. If I felt it was too hard and too time consuming then I’d just give up. If I’m being honest with myself, I can admit that I've never really given weight loss 100% of my effort. If I had, I wouldn't be this size anymore. I would have stuck with a diet program long enough for it to change my lifestyle and views on food and health. I am beyond disappointed in myself for getting to this weight and size.
      My husband is also overweight, but dieting and weight loss comes easier for him. However, he has struggled with sticking to a program in the past. Since our first miscarriage, we let things get really bad. We were eating out multiple times a week with most of that being on the weekends. We were also drinking so much pop that we’d go through a few 2-liters each a week. We were so unhappy and depressed, that we let our laziness get in the way of everything. As soon as we’d get home from work we’d sit on the couch and watch TV until bed. We rarely worked out, and if we did it wasn't consistent or difficult. However, since the beginning of the year we have made quite a few changes! Together, we have cut out pop and junk food in the house. We are also on a dining out schedule, where we allow ourselves to go on a date once every two weeks or so. We are not necessarily on a diet program, but are just watching our portions and adding more fruits and veggies into our meals instead of processed and sugary snacks. Our evenings and free time are spent in the gym. We are trying to get there at least 4-5 times a week. Weight lifting has become a passion. Instead of sitting on the couch planted in front of the TV like before, we are trying to spend more time outside going on walks.
      We have been feeling more energetic and happy. I am not seeing any physical changes in my body yet, but I am enjoying the mental changes that are starting to happen. I look forward to blogging about this weight loss experience. And I hope my changes will inspire others! 

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