Monday, March 4, 2013


      My in-laws are here on vacation for the week. Yesterday we all went to an indoor water park! I had been nervous prior to this week, knowing that we were going. It’s the whole being-in-a-swim-suit thing that made me feel anxious. However, I noticed that my anxiety about the situation wasn't as strong as it would have been previously since I've been on anxiety meds. They’re working! I went to the water park with the mentality that I was going to have fun no matter what! Who cares how fat I may look in my suit, I could still enjoy myself. And I did just that! It helped that I had my husband with me the whole time, holding my hand; sharing an inner tube with me…we had a blast. I also noticed, that a majority of people at the park were overweight…it’s definitely an epidemic, which is extremely sad! We also got a good workout in because the steps to go up to the water slides were massive…tired me out for sure! 
      Anyway, we'll be going back one evening this week and I plan to have just as much fun and not worry about my body. I deserve to enjoy myself. I hate that I can't completely love my body, especially in a bathing suit, but someday I will get there. For now, I can only try and stay positive.

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