Monday, March 25, 2013


      I have a pocket prayer book that my little sister bought me. She had randomly turned to a page in the book store and instantly thought the prayer fit me perfectly. And it did. Basically, it was about struggling with something you want but that isn't in God’s plan right now for you. My sister sent it down to me last summer and since then I have randomly been flipping through it myself and finding extreme comfort in it. I’m so thankful to have such a wonderful and caring sister, despite how we might drive each other crazy every now and then. ;)
      Anyway, one of the prayers that has really been on my heart this past weekend was one about facing challenges. If you've read my last post, or any of them for that matter, you’ll know I indeed struggle and face challenges with my weight and fertility on a daily basis. Most days, I feel like I get completely knocked down again and again. Like nothing I do is right; or maybe that it is, but I’m not necessarily strong enough to stick with it. It is beyond frustrating.
      Part of the prayer goes like this… “May the struggles I face cause me to follow your leading into uncharted waters, and may I learn to trust you more and more. Then I know I will be accomplishing your unique purpose for me. Thank you for showing me that it is often through challenges that you make your plan clear to me.”
(Beers, Ronald A. 365 Pocket Prayers. Tyndale House Publishers Inc, 2010. Print.)
      I am constantly praying and talking with God more and more lately. When I feel anxious, or weak, or when I need more motivation in the gym, and especially when I’m feeling jealous, I say a quick prayer. It instantly calms me. I’m also feeling a whole lot better about my situation because of this communication with God. Before I had lost faith, and would constantly worry that I would never have a baby; that God wasn't going to allow that. But now, I feel a sense of peace when I think about my future. I can’t even begin to express how much prayer has helped me these last couple months. I feel like I can focus on myself, with becoming healthy and losing weight, and that with time, in God’s time, I will get pregnant and have beautiful babies.

“Be strong and courageous, and do the work. Don’t be afraid or discouraged, for the Lord God is with you. He will not fail you or forsake you.” 1 Chronicles 28: 20

“Jesus replied, ‘What is impossible for people is possible with God.’” Luke 18: 27

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