Monday, April 8, 2013

Bowling & Bleeding

      Yesterday was my husband’s 26th birthday! We intended to go hiking, but the forecast was calling for rain so we went bowling instead. We had so much fun! When I was younger, my family went bowling every Sunday morning. My parents were always on bowling leagues so I've spent a lot of time in bowling alleys. I used to be decent, but yesterday I did horrible! I think we’re going to have to start going more regularly.

      So I mentioned that I thought I ovulated around Easter, and I still think I did…but since then I have been bleeding again every day, on and off. I did some research and found some women have mid-cycle bleeding, which signifies ovulation. It can last for a few hours or a few days. However, I read that it usually tends to be browner in color, and mine was definitely red, and like a light period; like how my bleeding always is. Yesterday it finally stopped…who knows what is going on yet again! I still have about a week until my next period should technically be due. I’m interested to see what happens then; if I start one or if the whole normal cycle thing was a fluke last month. I am starting to get hopeful, because my nipples are so tender and sore; literally killing me. Not sure if this is a sign that my period may be coming or maybe something else!?! Time will tell! I’m trying to remain patient and thankfully haven’t been obsessing over it like before.

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