Monday, April 22, 2013

Put Yourself In My Shoes

      I’m sorry for complaining so much. I realize that this is probably annoying to some of you. However, put yourself in my shoes. I know there are many couples out there also trying to conceive and for them, my heart hurts because I know how it feels. For me though I’m technically not able to conceive because I’m not ovulating. (I’m pretty certain now that last month was a fluke.) I was bleeding for 8 days; it stopped for one and half days, and then started back up again. This morning it is VERY heavy; lots of clotting and cramping too.
      My heart is yelling at me…I WANT a baby! I NEED a baby! I CRAVE a baby! I YEARN for a baby!
      My head is telling me…be patient; God knows what He is doing!
      My body is…BLEEDING! ALL THE TIME!
      I don’t know how much more of this I can take. I don’t understand still why I’m bleeding all the time.
      So, while you may be annoyed at my constant complaining, just imagine yourself in my shoes. Imagine you have this intense desire for something; something you've wished for as long as you can remember. Imagine the disappointment and frustration you’d face month after month if that “thing” wasn't happening. You would feel hurt, confused, and sad all the time too.
      I’m sick of feeling defeated and depressed! Prayers are much appreciated! 

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