Friday, February 1, 2013

Impatiently Waiting

      Yesterday I had my doctor’s appointment. Unfortunately, I didn't really get too many answers. She confirmed my thoughts that, basically, I’m NOT ovulating! This whole bleeding thing is obviously messed up, so I had to get a lot of blood work done to try and figure out what is wrong. Now, I just have to wait until the middle of next week or so for the results! She did put me on medicine for depression and anxiety and suggested I go to counseling. I've heard mixed results about Zoloft, so we’ll just have to see if it works for me and how I like it.
      Hubby took me out to dinner last night because I was feeling a little down since I didn't get any real answers. We probably shouldn't have since we’ll be going out this weekend too for my birthday, but oh well! I’m also embarrassed to report that we haven’t been to the gym at all this week. He has been getting home really late from work (we are going to enjoy the OT $$$, but I miss him). I know I don’t need him to go to the gym with me, but I just couldn't get motivated to go, especially by myself. I wish I had a friend here that I could use as a workout buddy! Though, I have enjoyed the support from friends who are reading this! I now have a few extra people to go to when I’m feeling down or just to vent! I appreciate it more than they know!
      Anyway, back to what this post was originally supposed to be about! J I'm hoping I can be patient until I get the results back! I'm already stressing and worrying over them! Prayers are still appreciated! Thanks!

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