Thursday, July 3, 2014


      I haven't posted in forever! We are still on a break from TTC...but I am now off of birth control!
      Let me tell you about that!
      I had always missed days of BC; I'd skip a day here or there, or sometimes multiple days in a row...and each time I'd end up spotting until I took another pill. This past month, I'd missed numerous and consecutive days of pills, but I didn't spot...instead I started a period a week early. I was sure that meant that I'd be bleeding for a long time, but decided to wait it out and see what would happen. It stopped after 5 days and was a completely normal period! Again, I decided to see what would happen if I continued not taking BC. Today is CD 17, and I haven't had any spotting or bleeding since my period ended!
      I talked to my husband and we decided that I would just stop BC and see if this cycle I have another normal period. I think that I'm on the right track to getting my body and system back to the way it's supposed to be working. The reason why I think this is finally happening is because for almost the past month and a half, I've been doing the 21 Day Fix by Beachbody, and in my first round I lost 9.7 pounds and 15.5 inches (my second round ends on Monday). I have been working out [almost] daily, and have been making much better eating choices!
      I still don't think I'm ovulating...and just because I'm off BC doesn't mean we are technically trying to get pregnant. If it happens, cool; we'd be ecstatic...but if it doesn't then that's okay for now too. It's in God's hands.
      I honestly think, that if I continue this 21 Day Fix program, eating healthily and working out daily, and continuing to lose weight and inches, then I will start ovulating again soon!

*I am a Beachbody coach now because I believe in this program and want to help others...if you are trying to lose weight and change your lifestyle and health, please let me know! I'd love to help you out! Here is my website. Or, my email is

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