Saturday, April 5, 2014

Same Ole, Same Ole...

      I am just no good at blogging lately. I apologize. I guess it's because there's just not much to share!
      Weight loss is still a struggle and will continue to be even when I reach my goal weight years and years from now!
      Dixon is doing well. I am so happy we got him!

      We finally got a second vehicle yesterday. A 2000 Dodge Dakota SLT pickup truck for the husband; he loves it. We have been a one car family for well over a year...I am going to enjoy sleeping in a bit more now that I don't have to wake up early to drive him to work! :)

      Because of the new truck, we acquired more debt, but not too much more as it is older, used, and because we had about half of it saved up. We have been in a spending habit lately, and I'm praying we can get out of it again.
      Monday is my husband's 27th birthday! We went out to Red Robin (one of his favorite restaurants) last night for dinner.
      The whole TTC and baby situation is weighing heavily on us again as we have a few friends who had also been TTC for awhile finally get pregnant. We couldn't be happier for them! But, it makes us feel worse for ourselves. It just bothers me that I have no timeline for this. With our debt, I can make a budget, plan things out, and if we stick to it, we know exactly when we'll be debt free. With weight loss, if I could get my head on straight, it could be a near future success. But with having a baby, there is no timeline. Right now, I have no idea when we'll even be starting to TTC again and that drives me nuts! I hate it!

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