Monday, March 17, 2014

As of Lately...

      Things with dieting and working out are still giving me trouble. I am currently still down 16.1 pounds, and we've vowed to eat in [again]. Our whole point and reward system failed us and we've completely stopped. I don't know why I can't just do good with weight loss. I feel like such a failure sometimes.
      Dixon is doing well. He is the sweetest, cutest puppy ever! Potty training will be a long process, but he tries his best. I still absolutely love snuggling with him at night!
      We are still doing well with paying off debt. However, we haven't donated plasma in forever which means we are not gaining an extra $400 a month like we budgeted. That also means, unfortunately, that our credit card debt most likely will not be paid off in November like originally planned. However, I'm still proud of the sacrifices we continue to make.


  1. Congrats on the weight loss! That's great!

    Potty training is rough, but the puppy stage is absolutely the best :)

    1. Thank you Nony! And thanks for following! :)
