Tuesday, March 4, 2014

First Training Session

      Tonight I have my first training session at the gym. I am beyond nervous; I am scared. I already feel embarrassed! I've just been praying for strength and courage since I scheduled this appointment on Saturday. Our gym is very small, and always tends to be full. Because of this, I feel like people are staring at me, or secretly laughing, because it's funny that a fat person is at the gym? I feel like I know what is going through their heads; the judgement they're putting on me. It's not fair, because at least I'm there trying. So what if I'm slow on the treadmill or the elliptical; so what if I can't lift big weight...would you rather me be sitting at home on my couch, in front of the TV, snacking on potato chips? 


      I'm not where I would like to be yet as far as my weight loss is concerned. In the last two months, I am down 12.6 pounds and 9.5 inches. That's not great, but I am happy it is a loss and not a gain or even plateau. 
      My husband and I have created a points and rewards system to keep us motivated and up with our routines. We earn a point for eating at home, for going to the gym or at least working out, for going to Church (because we've gotten out of this habit sadly), and for donating plasma (another habit we've gotten out of, but need to do regularly if we want to pay off our debt by Nov). We lose a point for breaking our routine, whether it be skipping a planned gym day, or canceling a biolife appointment, or skipping church. We also lose a point for eating out and for spending money that isn't on our planned budget. We are still working on figuring out our rewards as we don't want something that will break our goals. We'll see how this whole thing works for us. Yes, we were influenced by my daycare kid's potty training reinforcements. HAHAHA 
      Anyway, wish me luck with the trainer tonight! 

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