Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Italian Sausage & Pasta Recipe

      Unfortunately, this was a last minute, throw-together-whatever-ingredients-I-had-in-the-house kind of thing. I had planned a different meal, but Hubby and I both worked late last night and frankly I didn't feel like what I had planned. J It was fairly easy and tasted DELICIOUS!! Because I wasn't planning on it being this good, I didn't measure anything out so that I could give the exact recipe. However, it was amazing and I feel I should share, so here it is! I also did the math, and while it's not exactly the healthiest meal, it’d be about 9 WWPoints+ points per serving, which isn't terrible. I think if I would have had a green pepper, I would have diced that and sautéed it as well.

Italian Sausage & Pasta
  • Olive Oil
  • Onion (I used about half of a medium sized sweet onion), diced
  • Garlic
  • Fennel
  • Pepper, to taste
  • Egg Noodles
  • 4 Italian Sausages, sliced
  • Ragu “Sweet Italian Sausage & Cheese”
  • Mozzarella/Parmesan Cheese (optional, Hubby sprinkled mozzarella cheese on his, I didn't. *Keep in mind if you add cheese, you'd also have to add more WW points*)

-Sauté onion and garlic, sprinkled with pepper, in olive oil
-Add Italian sausage slices to pan to fry
(While I was sautéing, I was also doing the next step)
-Boil about a half bag of egg noodles
-When all that is done, add noodles, sausage, onions and garlic into one pan and add Ragu sauce (about ¾ jar)
-Sprinkle fennel on and stir together
Here is the Ragu sauce that I used!

      It is delicious! My husband and I loved it! Thankfully, it made four servings, so we get to have some for lunch today! YUMMY! 

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