Sunday, March 31, 2013

HAPPY Easter!

      I'm 97.99% certain that I'm ovulating!! WOOHOO!!'s been over a year now! I didn't expect to be ovulating this soon after starting metformin, but it looks like it's helping! I thought I had a period this month, and counted the cycle and it was 29 days (28 days is the average for most women) so that was right on track...however, it only lasted really, really heavy for 2 days and then was gone. So I was a bit confused as to if it was a period or not. However, this would be the time I'd be ovulating, assuming it was a period. I am having cramping and pain in my right ovary, so that is a sign. And I'm having extreme cervical mucus! Also, another sign since I haven't had it like this, like I said, in over a year! I think, if this month we don't get a BFP, then I'll for sure get OPKs for next month! Feeling really excited and staying positive! I'm going to try my best not to obsess over it like I have in the past..if it happens, GREAT; but if not, then we'll just try again next month.
     In the meantime, I'm still going to focus my time and energy on losing weight, exercising, and getting healthy. This past week I did incredible with my diet...yes, I am bragging! And have been keeping up with the exercise and enjoying the gym. I hurt my knee last week, and it's still bugging me, especially in the gym. I'm just pushing through some of the pain, and then resting it when I can. It bugs me the most when I'm on the treadmill, especially if I try jogging, so I'm doing more elliptical for now. Another minor setback is that I have been bleeding again after a heavy workout! It happened twice this week; lasted for a day and then is gone. I'm definitely going to have to ask my doctor about this again.
      Anyway, HAPPY EASTER! Off to church to celebrate! :)

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