Friday, March 1, 2013

Ultrasound & Appointment

      Well I had my doctor’s appointment today. The ultrasound looked relatively normal. I have a small cyst on my left ovary, but that’s not concerning. I guess my uterus is slightly heart shaped, but she said it’s again nothing to be concerned about and shouldn't cause a problem with fertility. The technician and my doctor said that my uterus didn't look like a “normal” uterus for a woman with PCOS. Not all women with PCOS have the same uterus or appearance, but there are certain characteristics that are noticeably different or visible in women with PCOS. For example, the lining is normally thicker in women with PCOS, and mine was thinner, which is good. Also, to be clear, they said that looking at the ultrasound they might see characteristics of PCOS, but the blood tests might say otherwise, or vice versa; the blood tests may say PCOS but the ultrasound might not show those characteristics. It’s different for every woman, but generally, they can see PCOS in an ultrasound, and they didn't see it with me. Which my doctor said coincides with my blood work results because I am just borderline PCOS.
      So, since my ultrasound came back fine, there is still no real answer for what is going on. Why am I still bleeding every day? Why haven’t I had a normal menstrual cycle in about a year? We did discuss that obviously my weight is a factor and I just have to keep working on that. But she made me feel a little better by telling me not to blame myself about my weight because even if lost a bunch of weight, or was at a normal weight to begin with, I could still possibly have a fertility issue. I knew this, but it made me feel better to hear her say it.
      I had two options after today. One…to continue Metformin for a couple more months and see if that helps me ovulate and regulate. She said Metformin has also helped women with their cycles, and she thinks it could help me normalize. It can take up to two to three months to help with that though, so I’d have to wait until May to see if has helped with my cycle. Or, two…start Provera and/or Clomid. Provera is used to induce a period, and Clomid induces ovulation. I decided that I would stick with Metformin until May and see if that helps on its own and if not, then start either or both Provera and Clomid. She suggested that my husband get tested just to make sure there is nothing wrong on his end also. So, he’ll be doing that in the next month or so too.
      There you have it; that’s where we are with things. Why can’t making a baby be easy for us? We spent years being careful and using birth control, praying we wouldn't accidentally get pregnant and now when we want to get pregnant we can’t?! It just isn't fair! 

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