Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Pregnant Women EVERYWHERE

      Seems like everyone is pregnant! So many friends have just announced that they're expecting! I can't even begin to explain how that makes me feel! Though, I'll try!
I feel jealous!
I feel sorry for myself!
I feel confused!
I feel angry!
I feel depressed!
I feel sad!
I feel ignored!
      And yet, with all of those negative emotions, I feel happy for them as well! It's definitely a mixture of contradicting emotions and I hate it!
      I think the thing that gets me the most is that I just can't wrap my head around why they are lucky enough to get pregnant and we're not! Are they doing something that I'm not? And I don't mean medically, I mean spiritually. Why did God chose now was the right time for them and it's still not the right time for us! WHY?
      I know I'll never get an answer. I'm trying so extremely hard to just keep faith in the situation and trust in the Lord. But as time goes by, it just keeps getting harder and harder.
      Anyway, I'm cd10, and yesterday was the last day of clomid for this cycle! I'll start OPKs soon. I stopped temping this cycle because it just wasn't working for me and was adding lots of extra stress on me. Praying like crazy that I ovulate!

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