Saturday, August 31, 2013

Things Aren't Going Our Way

      Well, things aren't going our way! It's getting to be very frustrating and as a result, husband and I are extremely depressed.Ugh.
      My husband has been applying to a bunch of jobs over the last two months as he is not happy with his current employment; also something better financially would be ideal too. He applied for one a week before a friend and that friend found out yesterday that he already got in for an interview. On the other hand, my husband's applications (he applied for two different positions within this company) haven't even been opened or reviewed! He is trying so hard to find something better and hasn't had any luck. He feels drained and feels like nothing is going our way!
      Not only can he not find a new job, we also can't get pregnant. It's like everything we're hoping, wishing, and praying for is right before us, but we can't have it. We are doing everything in our power to find a new job and have a baby and yet we're getting no where. It honestly feels like God doesn't want us to be happy. I know I'm supposed to be thankful for the things I do have, and I am, but what about the other desires that are on our hearts? Why can't we have those? Why not us? What more can we do? What is He wanting for us? We can't figure it out!
      What is the purpose for all of this unhappiness? I know God has us on this path, right where He wants us, leading us to what He has planned for our lives; BUT...why and what is this plan?! You know, maybe all of these ideas and dreams we have for ourselves are not where God sees us or what He wants for our lives, and maybe that is okay. But what I can't figure out is why doesn't God want us to have a baby? Why doesn't He want my husband in a job that he is happy in? Why doesn't He want us in a better financial situation? What is the purpose of all of this waiting?
      I hate not knowing the answer to these questions. And I hate even more having to be patient. The problem is that we've been trying to be patient for 2 years now! How much longer do we have to wait?
      Oh, and to top it all off...we got rear ended yesterday! Thankfully, we are all okay...though there is quite a bit of damage to our car!

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