Thursday, August 22, 2013


      I had my annual visit on Monday and also did my day 21 progesterone test (even though I was technically at CD22). I told my doctor that the OPKs came back negative everyday since Clomid, and she said she was fairly certain then that the blood test would show the same thing. However, Tuesday I got a call from the nurse saying that the test showed I did ovulate. Which I then asked if that could be because I'm taking progesterone pills?! So she checked with my doctor and my doctor said "yes that is possible" I didn't O I suppose, which is what I suspected. I asked then how I'm supposed to know if I O and the nurse said just keep using the OPKs and they'll continues the day 21 tests. However, I think I'm going to talk with my doctor because I don't want to waste time and money going in for day 21 progesterone tests if they're always going to be positive because of the progesterone pills I'm taking. My doctor told me that she will put me on 100mg this cycle, so now I'm just waiting on my period to start which should be this weekend.
      I knew 50mg was going to be a waste of time! I'm remaining hopeful that Clomid will work for me. I'm praying that this next cycle on 100mg will at least make me O...if it does that, but I don't end up pregnant I will still be happy because I'll be one step closer...
      Praying it works like crazy in the next 2 cycles because November is approaching quickly and I really want to be pregnant by then so that I don't have to go see a specialist! Pray with me! :)

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