Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Round 2 Starts Tomorrow!

      I had an ultrasound today to check for cysts. It is mandatory between Clomid cycles and of course insurance doesn't cover it...$165 visit today! Anyway, the ultrasound technician was so sweet and kept repeating over and over that my ovaries looked "great". She said they looked healthy and that I should have no problems on this end. So I talked to the nurse and got my new dose of 100mg prescribed. I asked her about the progesterone and how it makes me have short 27 day cycles and my concern with the fact that if Clomid makes me ovulate late, then I might not have enough time for the egg to stick once fertilized before my next cycle would begin. She said she thinks I would have enough time, but that is a possibility. For now, she said I should continue the progesterone like I have been and if it becomes a problem once I finally ovulate they'll change my schedule for that.
      So everything looks great so far! I just have to keep up with my dieting and exercising in the meantime. That is difficult for me, but now that I'm back to working full-time, I remain busy which helps stick to a routine.

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