Friday, December 6, 2013

Birth Control

      Just picked up my prescription for birth control, Ortho Cyclen. This should regulate me and stop the daily bleeding which I'm looking forward to! However, I'm sad about starting it too. Logically I know we cannot get pregnant right now on our own, but there was always a little glimmer of hope. I hoped it'd just magically happen. After all, we weren't preventing it, so why couldn't it?! I know, I know...cause of the no ovulation thing and the stupid bleeding issue (like I said, logically, I know we can't get pregnant). Everyone kept commenting, saying now that we aren't trying and stressing over it that it'll just happen. I guess I hoped they were right!
      Now though we are technically preventing it and that bothers me! I'm hoping I can focus on losing weight/getting healthy and then can get off of it sooner rather than later!
      I will also admit that I have this daydream in the back of my head about getting pregnant right after I stop taking it again! When we first decided to start TTC it was October 2011 (that was my last full cycle on BC), we got pregnant right away! We found out the beginning of December that we were pregnant and then miscarried later that month! So maybe, just maybe, that will also happen this time around. Wouldn't that be wonderful!?! A girl can dream anyway...
      Wish me luck on BC! Pray for me, that this helps regulate me and stops the daily bleeding!

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