Wednesday, January 1, 2014


      So on top of paying off ALL credit card debt this year, we have a few other resolutions we are working on. We are going to read through the Bible this year, as well as do a 365 daily devotional book. And the most important thing we are going to do is lose weight.
      Yes, I know! Isn't that everybody's new years resolution?! Its been mine for probably the last few years! And I NEVER stay with it! Ever. Heck, you all know if you were reading my blog this past summer! I did really well working out and eating healthily for a few months and then one thing led to another and I was back to my old lifestyle. What is going to make this time different? I don't know.
      Husband and I are starting a Paleo diet- to get processed and refined foods out of our diets! Basically, we just want to eat more whole foods! We also are leaving Planet Fitness to join the gym literally down the road from us. We liked PF because it was bigger and was cheaper, however it is a good 25 minute drive from our house and with monthly fees and weekly gas spent traveling there 4+ times a week, it would be way cheaper to join the gym we can walk to! It will fit better into my schedule as making time to drive out to PF, workout, drive home, then get ready wasn't happening before work. Now however, I won't have the added 50+ minutes of drive time every morning and can easily get a workout in before I head to work!
       I want to lose 50 pounds by May or June this summer. If I do that, I will go off BC and TTC will be back on! (Speaking of BC--I'm still bleeding everyday, and it's getting worse! UGH) My ultimate goal for 2014 is to get under 200 pounds! Which is doable if I lose on average 6 pounds a month. :)
      So this evening, my husband and I were taking what will be "before" photos, taking our measurements, and stepping on that dreaded scale. I haven't weighed myself in quiet awhile as I know the number just keeps rising. Every time I've attempted to lose weight I've just told my husband how much weight I need to lose or have lost. "Woohoo! I lost 3 pounds this week!" "Only 50 more pounds til I reach my first goal." That sort of thing. But this time...hubby said I should tell him. We literally stood around the scale for a good 20+ minutes arguing over whether or not he should be allowed to see how much I weigh. Finally, I gave in as I really do want his full support; and after he promised it wouldn't make him see me any differently; he promised over and over that he loves me regardless of that scale and I know that to be true. So I stepped on the scale and for the first time since we've known each other he was able to see how much I weigh. Total. In pounds. MOST EMBARRASSING AND HORRIFYING MOMENT OF MY LIFE! I cried afterwards. He comforted me. All is now okay!
      And, now that he knows my weight, I don't feel as ashamed of it. I mean it's horrible...I have a lot of work ahead of me! But now that he knows and I still have his undying love and support, it finally seems like just a number! And because of this...I am taking a huge leap in accountability and sharing my dreaded number with you all.
Ah...there! Still just a number! An unhealthy, large number, but just a number nonetheless.
Wish me luck!

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