Sunday, January 5, 2014


      Few updates...
      BC- well it's not working so well! Today I should be starting my period, but for the last couple weeks I have been bleeding really bad. Before BC, I bled daily but it was light and I only wore a thin, regular pad for the whole day. Now, on BC, I've been going through 3 super pads daily. The bleeding is extremely heavy and full of clots! It's disgusting! I am waiting to see what happens during this week where I should be having a period (to monitor how the bleeding changes) and then I'm going to get in to see my doctor. This just isn't normal! And frankly, I'm really sick of it! Not to mention, that now that I'm on BC I have cramps like you wouldn't believe! My heating pad is now my best friend!
      Gym- went today for the first time in forever! I did a good cardio workout for my first time back! This week my husband and I are getting up early and going before work together! We like our sleep, but we decided to be dedicated to doing it at least this week to see if we have more energy throughout the day!
      Diet- probably not going to do paleo. It's so restrictive! However, I am eating as much whole foods as possible! I am also limiting my grains and dairy to one serving a day; and cutting my sugar intake drastically! We went to Costco this weekend and spent way too much money on healthy foods, but I suppose that's a good thing! :) I now have no excuses as far as snacks go- lots of good options; and we have some healthy meals planned for the next two weeks!
      Grandpa- he's home! That is good news! His pneumonia is gone so they let him go home on Friday! However, the doctors, as well as my family, don't think he has much longer with us here! My dad thinks maybe only a few more months! I wish I could get home soon to see him before he does pass, but I don't think that's a possibility as I'm now back to work again 5 days a week!
      My Lord- working wonders in me! I have stuck with my daily devotions and Bible reading so far. In all honesty, I've never made it even a week before I gave up, so I'm proud of myself! It seems that almost every Sunday I leave church feeling like I have a purpose! I know that God put me on this TTC journey to grow in Him and share His word with others who are struggling with a similar situation. I have this huge pull on my heart to use this journey to help others and bring them to Jesus. However, I still feel like I'm not a good witness yet. I feel like I don't know how to talk to others about the Lord since I still don't know everything that I can about Him. I suppose there is so much to learn , constantly, that I probably never will know everything. Anyway, I am praying really hard for Him to speak through me and guide me in this whole process! We shall see where this goes...

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