Friday, January 10, 2014

RIP Grandpa


      I'm sad to report that my grandpa passed away a little before 5 this morning.
      At 11pm last night, he told my grandma to call an ambulance, because he wasn't feeling well. So she did, and  they took him to the hospital a little later. He had a seizure on the way to the ER and was unconscious upon arrival. My parents arrived to the hospital sometime after 1am and my sister finally came at 3; I'm glad they all got to be with him! They called me a little after 4am but of course I didn't hear it! I got up a little after 5am and called them back and my dad told me he passed away! Instant tears!
      I'm feeling rather guilty. I meant to call him yesterday! I kept putting it off or forgetting and never got around to it! Even if he couldn't have talked to me yesterday, he would have known I was thinking about him. I feel terrible. But, I know that he knew that I love him.
      I can't stop thinking about the reunion he must have had with his son, my uncle, Tony (he died before I was born in a drinking and driving accident)- I'm sure it was glorious!
      My sister and I were chatting on the phone this morning sharing memories and love for our grandpa. I admitted that I also feel bad that I wasn't able to give him his first great grandchild. We started talking about how my grandpa is probably up there right now begging God to finally give us our baby! He was a hilarious man, he had such a young and goofy sense of humor. Picturing him up there talking to God about giving us a baby made us laugh! I know that if I get pregnant soon, that he probably had a hand in helping! Especially if we have a boy; he so badly wanted a grandson, but got stuck with only my sister and me! :)
      EDIT: I was just reminded that my grandpa is in Heaven probably holding my angel babies right now! I can't believe I didn't think of this myself! My heart is rejoicing at the thought of this! I hope they get to enjoy each other until one day, in the far future, I get to join them!
Ralph Ernest Curtis Jr

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