Saturday, February 16, 2013

Proud & Impressed

      At the gym this morning, I was on the elliptical when a thin, gorgeous girl came and got on the one right next to me. Why is it that when the gym is almost completely empty someone always has to get on the machine next to you? Ugh. Anyway, she of course was going fast and looked like a pro, while I was going at a slow pace and probably looked completely uncoordinated and goofy. I found myself trying to keep up with her. I felt embarrassed to be going so slow while she was “lapping” me. But then it hit me. I wasn't there to impress her, or anybody for that matter. I was there for ME! I have a heck of a lot more weight on my body than she does, and am just starting to become physical and active…of course I’m not going to be able to keep up with her. I realized that I need to focus on me and only me, and forget about how silly I might look to others or how slow I might be going. Hey, at least I was there at all. 
      Honestly, I’m impressed and proud of myself for getting up this morning and going. Normally, if my week was busy, I looked forward to sleeping in and vegging all weekend. Not this time! I had a very busy week this week, working 45+ hours instead of my normal 20-25. I would work my normal schedule in the morning, and then get a short break, and then work again in the evening. I enjoyed naps when I could, but surprisingly I had a lot of energy this week and kept busy during my free time. Instead of relaxing on the couch and watching TV, I did errands or cleaned. Maybe I had so much energy because I needed to have that much to keep up with the schedule and my daycare kiddos. Or maybe, I am actually leaving my lazy days behind me finally. Either way, I’m feeling great and am proud of myself!

Yup, my thoughts exactly on the elliptical this morning.