Saturday, February 2, 2013

That "UGH" Feeling

      So for my doctor’s appointment on Thursday I created calendars to show her how abnormal and irregular my bleeding and “periods” have been. While doing that I figured out that for the month of January, there were only 8 days out of the 31 days in the month that I didn't bleed. I think that’s the worse it’s ever been! I’m still anxious about getting my results back, but I think I've calmed down a bit. I stopped bleeding last night but have horrible cramping today, along with that period feeling you get right before you start. It’s really annoying!
      However, despite that, I've found some motivation today! I have no clue where it came from! Hubby had to work overtime this morning, so he got up and left early, waking me in the process. I've already cleaned the whole house, did 4 loads of laundry, and organized all our bills and paperwork. It’s crazy how yesterday I felt so depressed and “blah”, but today I feel 100% opposite. I have an insane amount of energy; I’m feeling antsy just sitting here writing this! I’m hoping this motivation stays around for a while! 

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