Saturday, June 29, 2013

Misery & Updates

      I haven't felt this miserable in a long, long time. I started progesterone 17 days ago now, and ever since starting it I have been getting nauseous every single day! I have also been slowly tapering off of zoloft so I heard maybe this could be a withdrawal? Either way, my meds are what is doing this to me! I can't stand it! I'm sending my hubby out soon to get me some ginger's to hoping that helps my stomach! I have been eating saltines with a little bit of peanut butter on them and that has been helping!
      Anyway, I haven't updated in here it goes! As of this past Monday I am down 19.5 inches and 7.7 pounds. My family came down to visit though this week and therefore I worked out way less, and ate way worse! I am pretty sure at my next weigh-in on Monday that I will have gained some weight and inches back. However, maybe not because of this nausea!? I finally went to the gym this morning. I did another 5k and the circuit. I could totally tell I was off and that I had slacked lately because I was slower and in more pain! I am hoping I get back into my routine soon!
      I have a new get-fit dad! He is extremely obese and needs to lose a lot of weight. My mom and sister filled me in this week on how worried they are about him, specifically about him dying too young due to obesity and related/complicated medical issues. I don't know what I would do without him! He is the greatest dad in the whole world! So, while he was down here on vacation, my husband and I talked to him about trying to lose weight. He is very stubborn and insists he is fine, however we know better. We made a deal with him...he knows that we are currently taking time off from TTC so that I can focus on losing weight and getting healthy, so I said that we won't start trying again until he starts to try to get healthier! I want him to be around for his grandkids. Both of my grandpas made it to my wedding, and I want him to be there when my kids get married in the future too. I told him he doesn't haven't to lose drastic weight, or even a certain number, he just has to consciously start to change his eating habits. Instead of having a whole box of cookies, just have a few; or not get a second helping at dinner. I also suggested he start to move more. He works all day in an office at a desk and then comes home and sits in front of the TV! Even just a short walk with the dog after work would be a start! He agreed to this as he desperately wants a grandbaby! I'm proud of him for agreeing and can't wait to see how he does with it!

We did family photos while they were here! L to R: dad, mom, sister, and us!

Does it look like I've lost weight?! 

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