Thursday, June 13, 2013


      New update! Apparently I was mistaken. I am hard of hearing...literally and medically considered partially deaf. Anyway, I heard the doctor say he was prescribing "pro..." and automatically assumed it was provera since that's what my regular doctor and I talked about. He asked if I knew what it was and I said yes sort of since I had done a little research, and that's when he goes on to tell me that it'll basically trick my body into a cycle and that it will show my body what it's supposed to do and therefore I'll eventually get a normal period. So, again, I assumed he was talking about provera because I knew provera starts a period while clomid starts ovulation. Then, as I was getting ready to leave, the nurse gave me a little calendar and explained to me how to track my bleeding once I start "provera". So then I realized, yup, I did hear the doctor right. So ever since then I've been thinking I'm starting provera today.
      Went to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription, and had to pay $96 for it! Confused as to why it was so much I read through the pamphlet and sure enough it's actually progesterone. Thankfully my insurance will reimburse me for the money, but still that's a lot of money out of my pocket right now! Ugh! 
      Anyway, I'm on progesterone and not provera. I didn't really know what progesterone is so I did a little research. I guess provera is derived from progesterone. It is a progestin which means it has "compounds that have progesterone like properties, but are not progesterone and are synthetic and you can add to that, they don't have the full spectrum of all of progesterone's benefits and they are loaded with side effects." One article provided this: "Provera is not progesterone. Unfortunately, the standard practice in conventional American medicine has been to replace the natural hormone progesterone with an unnatural hormone-like drug called medroxyprogesterone, or Provera. The combination of Premarin + Provera is the most common form of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) prescribed in the U.S. today. While Provera does keep Premarin from causing endometrial cancer, it is not progesterone. As such, it lacks many of progesterone's other important benefits, and may cause a long list unpleasant and dangerous side effects, including increasing the risk of heart disease."
      So I guess I'm glad I'm taking progesterone and not provera. Praying it works for me!

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