Thursday, June 20, 2013

Baby Fever

      I have baby fever like you wouldn't believe. I've always had baby fever, but since things are going so well with my dieting and exercise I feel super positive and can picture having a baby so much sooner! My next appointment is August 5th, and my goal is to lose enough weight to feel comfortable starting Clomid at that time! I already feel like I will for sure be there and this feeling is so exciting!
      I haven't felt this way about TTC in awhile. I've always wanted a baby [duh] but for awhile I had lost confidence, positivity, and all faith in the situation. I knew we'd have a baby sometime in the future, but I'd been having a hard time picturing it! And now, it finally feels like it's literally around the corner! Feels like we are finally on the right path when it comes to TTC! I feel like once August comes, and we start Clomid, that with my weight loss and the meds that we'll easily be able to get pregnant and it'll happen quickly!
      My only fear is that I might lose this weight loss momentum and if I do then I won't reach my goal by August. Or that if I do reach my goal, and we start Clomid then, that I will have gotten my hopes up thinking that we will get pregnant quickly! I hope it happens ASAP!

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