Monday, June 17, 2013

Sprained Ankle & Week 2 Results

      Friday afternoon I was outside with my daycare kiddo and we were watering plants. The grass was wet because we were obviously playing in the water as well. I was walking down a little hill in the yard and slipped on the water, twisting my ankle, and then sliding the rest of the way down the hill. I felt instant pain and immediate tears! Luckily the dad I work for is a physical therapist so he walked me through a few little tests on the phone to determine it wasn't broke but just sprained. Since then I have been keeping it elevated and iced and trying as much as possible to stay off it. The problem is that I have been so active lately that this sitting around is killing me. 
Left is a photo of my foot from Saturday & right is this morning The swelling has gone down but the bruise has changed a bit

Top is from Saturday & bottom is this morning...notice the changes in the bruise again!

      I was given the go-ahead to go to the gym as long as I avoided anything weight bearing on my ankle/foot. Yesterday, the hubby and I went and I was extremely emotional. I was missing my normal workout and pushing myself really hard. I burned less than half the calories I normally do! I did the bike which didn't hurt, but you can't burn a lot of calories doing that! I also did the circuit at the gym, but avoided doing the steps and leg press. And then I couldn't take it, I missed the treadmill, so I walked a pretty slow mile. I burned double the calories in the mile on the treadmill than I did in the 3.5 miles on the bike! That's ridiculous! Anyway, I really miss my burn at the gym! I am going again today and am going to push myself a little harder.

      Anyway, in other news, it's Monday which means I had my second weigh-in. I didn't lose a lot of weight this week, only 1.4 pounds which I'm a little disappointed in! However, I did lose 9.5 inches this week. Total, in two weeks, I've lost 6.9 pounds and 16.5 inches! I couldn't be more happy! I'd say I'm doing well and this calorie conscious diet will be continuing!

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