Thursday, June 6, 2013


      Well, if you've read all my posts up until now, you'll know I've been on an emotional roller coaster. Actually, I'm thinking my weight loss journey is more like a teeter-totter.  I have a good day, then a bad; I feel strong, or high, one day, and then weak and low the next. I know how to diet; I know what I should and shouldn't eat; I know that working out and being active are important; I even know what to do while at the gym. However, emotionally and mentally I haven't been able to stick to anything. I'm very negative and hard on myself, and most of the time I've felt like a complete failure.
      This week has been different! I feel amazing, from the inside out! I've been reading a new book, The Emotional Diet: How To Love Your Life More And Food Less by Bill Cashell. It's changing everything for me mentally. I honestly haven't felt this way in a long time! The only thing I'm struggling with is the fact that my outside doesn't match how I feel on the inside. However, I know that will come with time.

      I'm on a strict 1600 calorie diet. I'm on a strict exercise regimen working out 1.5-2 hours a day in the gym. I have heard that it takes a least 21 days for something to become a routine. I'm giving myself 21 days of this strict lifestyle changes to see if it is something I will be able to stick with. After giving it my all for 21 days, if I feel I need to change something, then I will do so then. I'm really enjoying these changes. I'm loving working out again and haven't been feeling lazy. I'm craving healthy foods, and haven't had any cravings for sweets or unhealthy foods. I'm excited to see where this takes me! I feel strong and proud.
This was yesterday. I did a 5k on the treadmill and cut my last time by nearly 3 minutes!

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