Sunday, June 2, 2013

Food Prep!

      I decided to put a few hours time into prepping all my veggies so that I will actually eat them later! Usually what happens is that I'll buy lots of veggies at the store [thinking I'll actually stick to the diet], come home and put them in the fridge, and then they sit there until I have to eventually throw them away! Because, when I get hungry it's easier and way more convenient to grab a prepacked processed snack than it is to get the celery out, wash it, and cut it up!
    I got the lettuce, celery, cucumber, tomatoes, carrots, broccoli slaw, and regular broccoli out and washed it all and then started preparing bags of snacks and salads. I love salads, but the hubby hates them, so it's too much work for me to make a side salad with dinner for just I think anyway because I'm lazy. I wish I ate them more and tend to crave them a lot. I filled baggies with lettuce, broccoli slaw, cucumber, and tomatoes! I did some bags for side salads, with less veggies, and some bigger bags with more lettuce and such for a salad meal that I can later put chicken on or whatever. I also made snack size bags of celery and carrot sticks. And, I put some carrots and broccoli in the steamer bags so I don't have to do much work next time we need a vegetable side with dinner.
      I'm really hoping this helps me! I have good intentions when it comes to eating healthy, but I'm so lazy that I tend to skip healthier options because they're not quick most of the time. I think having everything prepared will drastically help. Next time I'm looking for a snack I can just grab a bag of celery since it's already prepared. And I can just grab the bag of broccoli to steam as a side quickly instead of avoiding it because I'd have to wash it and cut it up and then steam it. It will save me so much time later, even though it took nearly 2 hours to do today!
      I also started counting my calories today instead of doing weight watcher points. We'll see if this helps! And, my husband and I made some big decisions as far as TTC is concerned, but I'll save that for a later post.

my salads!
snacks of celery and carrots! there's also a bag of tomatoes too.
chopped up carrots, celery, and onion for a meal this week

UPDATE: I've had carrots and celery as snacks today! I knew this preparation experiment would help!! 

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