Tuesday, October 29, 2013

New Journey

      We don't consider ourselves on a TTC journey anymore. I mean, technically, IF my body were to start working the right way and IF I were to just get pregnant on my own...great! We'd be so happy and excited. However, since that is not going to happen anytime soon, we are thinking we are done TTC for the next year! Starting this Friday, we are starting a new journey!
      We are calling it "A Year of Sacrifice- A Financial & Spiritual Journey"! We have decided to take a year off of EVERYTHING!

      From this November to November 2014, here are some rules or outlines we are following-

  • NO fast food or eating out
  • NO vacations or trips home
  • NO shopping for anything, including presents for others (besides groceries)
  • Cut back on monthly expenses
  • Stick to a new budget
And, most importantly, PAY OFF ALL CREDIT CARD DEBT!

      Like I said, cold turkey...it's going to be so difficult but it's something that needs to be done. Unfortunately for us, anytime we try to commit to something or change something, we stick to it for a very short amount of time and then go back to old habits. This is part of the reason why we need to go cold turkey, because allowing a dinner out here and there would only make us want to eat out even more and sooner or later, we'd be back to eating out numerous times a week.
      We have $9,995 in credit card debt and our goal is to pay it all off by next November. That's a lot of money and because it's a large sum of debt, we are taking on any and all extra cash! My husband is currently working on changing to a new position at work where he'd be able to get more overtime! We also are going to donate plasma twice a week, which brings in an extra $400 per month with us both doing it! (I just started last week, and hubby is starting next week.)
      Because we won't be wasting money on eating out and shopping, we will also be able to put that money towards the debt! And because we won't be eating out and because we'll have a simple and small budget for groceries we are certain we'll lose weight! Also we will, more than anything, be relying on God's strength as our own isn't enough! We hope to grow closer to Him on this journey as well!
      We would so much rather sacrifice this year in order to have financial peace for our future family! We don't want to be stuck in this cycle of debt any longer!
      I'm telling you all here about our new plan to remain accountable. At least once a month I will update you on how we're doing and where our grand total of debt is at! Prayers to remain obedient and strong are greatly appreciated!

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