Friday, November 22, 2013

Onward & Upward

      Medical bills are all paid off!  
      But besides that I'm at a loss for what to write about! Things have been going soo extrememly well that there's not much else happening. We are on track with our plan and are sticking to it 110%. We've been selling extra stuff still, including my husbands beloved XBOX (his decision), which is being put towards debt. And, I've been working over 40 hours a week (keep in mind my average week was about 25 previously), so that is also changing things for us! However, Thanksgiving break and Christmas break are coming up soon which means I will have a lot of down time. I contemplated getting a part time holiday job, but decided against it as I didn't want to have to stress about scheduling when I am doing my daycare. And, we are both still donating plasma twice a week which is bringing in the majority of our extra money towards debt.
      It has been 3 full weeks since our Sacrifice Plan has begun and we are well on our way to being debt free. Smallest first credit card is paid off, medical bills are paid off, and so far an extra $200 has been put towards our next smallest credit card.
      For me, the hardest part has been not shopping. I want to be shopping for Christmas presents for our families and friends, but we're not giving gifts this year which will save us easily a few hundred dollars this holiday season! The hardest part for my husband has been not eating out. I can't even count how many times he's asked to go to Taco Bell to eat (TB IS HIS OBSESSION)! During these last 2 1/2 years of marriage, we have both lacked obedience and willpower when it comes to spending money, especially eating out, but we are remaining so strong in this time of sacrifice! I do believe it's God's strength, love, and grace getting us through this time!

UPDATE: Husband asked to go out to lunch with all the guys from work on Friday...I let him. He keeps asking to go out to eat and I keep saying no....I finally said yes because I didn't want him to feel angry with me or resent me for saying no all the time. And this way, he'd get to eat out and we wouldn't spend as much money as if we went out to eat together (he only spent $8). Plus, I didn't want him to be embarrassed or feel left out if he couldn't go while the rest of the guys at work went. Anyway, I made it perfectly clear that this isn't going to be happening often and that he should just forget about asking anytime soon...which he agreed to!

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