Friday, November 15, 2013


      Well, I'm happy to report that our smallest credit card is officially paid off! It was only a balance of $250 we owed, but having it gone feels wonderful! And, it is also was our smallest monthly payment of $25, but now that that card is paid off, that $25 will go towards our next credit card!
      We are making very good progress and are super proud of ourselves. To some our progress wouldn't mean much, but to us it's everything! It's been awhile since we've set a goal and budget and stuck to it 100%. We are extremely proud of the fact that we haven't eaten out once since we started this! :)
      I am still bleeding...I'm pretty certain that I'm back to my old ways of bleeding everyday which disappoints me! I guess we really are taking the next year off! I'm wondering if I should just go back on birth control...maybe it would help me get back on a cycle, or at least prevent me from bleeding daily!? I'm not sure yet.

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