Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Two Steps Backwards

      Thankfully we have been doing really well with not spending and making extra money to save, but we've gotten some extra bills in the mail too so we're not actually ahead like we thought! So frustrating! I just got my first bill from August for a progesterone blood test I did- $157...what makes me mad about this is that my doctors office never asked me if I wanted to pay it that day. Had they asked, and had I paid it, I would have received a discount and therefore saved some money. Anyway, so I'm just now getting this bill. And, from our most recent trip home last month, we didn't have cash for two toll roads and my hubby thought we could just use our debit card...turns out ya can't and we went through the "no cash/EZ Pass" we got two bills in the mail each with an additional $25 fee. Sucks! So all extra money from last week and this week getting put towards debt is now going to be paid to these new bills!
      Thankfully this hasn't brought us down too much and we are still staying on track!


  1. hi :) my name is casey. I know you don't know me nor do I know you, but I found your blog while I was on Pinterest looking up ttc blogs. I just read thru some of your posts and I just wanted to let you know how strong you sound. my fiancé and I have been ttc for 9 months now, and while I know that doesn't compare to what you have been thru, I know I am so frustrated and upset, so I cannot imagine what you must feel. I just wanted to reach out and let you know that you did inspire me with your words of wisdom...this whole process is draining and it's nice to know we're not in it alone

    1. Wow Casey, thank you! You're my first follower that is a "stranger"...makes me feel good to know I am touching more people that I thought! Unfortunately though, you're following because you're in the same boat as me and that makes me sad! I will be praying for you! I hope that your journey won't be as long as mine so far! Thank you for stopping by! :)
