Sunday, February 9, 2014


      I'm not only trying to lose weight and get healthy in that way, but I'm also trying to detox my body from chemicals and nasty toxins!

What am I doing for detox?

  1. Eating more raw and organic foods; also following these guidelines:
    • One serving of dairy a day
    • One serving of grain a day
    • Less sugar
    • Less processed foods/snacks
  2. I'm on day 6 of the "No Poo" hair method- Check it out hair currently looks nasty! But, I've almost completed my first full week of shampoo detox; hopefully another week will be all I need!
  3. I've started Oil Pulling- Check that out here...I don't notice anything from this, and to be honest, I probably only do it every other day, because I'm just forgetful! 
  4. I've stopped any and all unnecessary skincare...No more lotions/moisturizers, minimal makeup but mostly days of no makeup (eventually I'll go out and buy all new makeup, more organic and less harsh chemical ingredients), and once my deodorant is gone (which will be soon) I plan on making my own
  5. Next week, when I go get more groceries, I plan on juicing to detox my body as well. Last time I tried this I only lasted two days, I'm going to attempt at least 5 days! Wish me luck... :/

      I think that is all as far as detoxing and attempting to get healthy goes! Thursday evening I developed some kind of virus, which includes throwing up! NOT. FUN. Still suffering with it today! However, because of this, I am now currently down 15.9 pounds! Again though, I must mention, it's not because I've actually been trying! One sickness after another has helped me lose that weight...but I don't care, I will take it and run with it! Okay, maybe not run...hahaha!
      Also, another development...we've now officially paid off TWO credit cards!!!! Woohoo! We just got our tax refund back which is why we were able to pay off the second card and a $1000 chunk to our third card! We have $6611.32 left of credit card debt to pay in the next 8.5 months! We shall see how this goes! 

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