Saturday, February 15, 2014


   Well, detoxing has been going great! I ended up juicing this past Tuesday through Friday! Didn't quite make it the 5 days like planned, but with Valentine's Day yesterday there were too many temptations. Tonight we are ordering pizza, renting a redbox, and snuggling in to celebrate (I worked last night). However, both mine and my husband's plan is to continue juicing regularly. I want to do it a minimum of one meal a day, and will do a 4-5 day detox monthly.
      I've been feeling very motivated and energized this week. Today, on the way to work this morning, I heard one of my favorite songs on the radio and have had it stuck in my head since! Honestly, I think God put it there right then for me to hear and be reminded of this morning. This newfound attitude honestly has got me feeling like I am strong enough to do anything. But really, I need to remember that I'm not always relying on my own strength but on Jesus'...I can only continue these recent successes with Him. Anyway, I thought I'd share the song with you! :)

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