Monday, February 3, 2014

Happy Birthday to ME!

      It's my party and I'll cry if I want to!
      No...not really going to cry! Things have been going pretty well! This cycle on BC was a success and my period should be starting soon! It felt wonderful to not have to wear a pad this whole month!! FINALLY!
      I just got over a sinus and ear infection, even though my ear still feels like it needs to pop or something. And I had an allergic reaction to something this weekend and developed itchy hives all over my body. My hands were extremely swollen and painful! I took lots of benadryl and then just rested lots. Today, I'm still a little itchy, especially my palms, but the hives are minimal and the pain and swelling are gone!
      I haven't been doing wonderful with my diet and exercising, but I haven't given up. In my first month, I lost 8.8lbs and 4.5 inches. That's pretty good considering I wasn't really trying! I figure, I can lose more pounds and inches this month if I commit to going to the gym more and eating better! Being sick last month for over two weeks really helped me lose some weight just because I didn't have much of an appetite, but because of this I also didn't go to gym all but a handful of times! I will do better this month!
      I am officially 26 today! I am still surprised that I'm not a mother yet! I thought and had planned to be a mother by 23! It's days like today that are bittersweet! How grateful I am to have made it to my 26th year; my God is great! But, today I also realize I'm getting older and things still aren't working out in our favor in the baby area! Oh well, maybe this will finally be the year!
      My husband is taking me to my favorite restaurant for dinner tonight, Red Lobster! I can't wait!! Going to enjoy the rest of my birthday! :)

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