Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Fingers Crossed

      So last cycle I spotted for two days, and then started a period. I assumed this cycle would be the same. However, I started spotting late yesterday morning and as the day progressed it turned into a full period. What that means is that by the time my appointment rolls around on Monday I'll be at CD7 which means that I would be too late to start Clomid. Clomid usually has to be taken CD5-9. So basically I'd have to wait until my next cycle, or September to officially start Clomid. I was so upset last night when I realized this that I cried myself to sleep.
      I called my doctors office this morning right at 8 and talked to the nurse. I am currently waiting to hear back from them as she was going to ask my Doctor about my situation. I'm hoping that either they can just prescribe me Clomid early to start at CD5, and then I could still go to my appointment on Monday like planned, or that I could just get in earlier sometime this week!
      I will keep you all updated! Praying that this all works out for the best as I would hate to have to wait a whole extra cycle! I want to get this done!

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