Wednesday, July 3, 2013


      Well, I've still been struggling to get back into my fitness routine. I also had my weigh-in on Monday and I gained 3 inches back but lost .3 pounds. Woohoo...not! Yesterday I also hit my 1st month anniversary of my weight loss journey. Even with this past weigh-in's poor results, I've lost 16.5 inches and 8 pounds in my first month!! I know I am on the right track to making me a better woman, wife, and [future] mother. I am going to kick things into gear like you wouldn't believe starting...NOW! I also decided that I am going to reread The Emotional Diet book as it really helped kick start my journey initially.
      One of the things that has aided in my lack of gym time is my foot. I have been having really bad pain in my right heel...I did some research online and also talked to my friend who is a physical therapist (Thank God for his constant help) and have what is called Plantar Fasciitis. I had been doing a 5k almost everyday for awhile so walking/jogging on it often and being obese has caused this condition. I have been using a frozen water bottle, rolling it under my foot as a ice massage. That helps a lot. It also doesn't help that I have flat feet, so I'm going to invest in inserts for my shoes.
      Oh, and a little update on my sprained really hasn't bothered me since I initially hurt it. The bruising is very minimal and pretty much gone. The swelling is gone for the most part, unless I've been on it for awhile then it starts to swell up, like after the gym. However, I have noticed that the last few nights I've woken up in pain because my foot was stretched weird in my sleep. I'm not sure what I'm doing, but when it wakes me up I do notice that my foot is stretched out, like overextended, so I just fix the position and relax and the pain goes away!
      Another thing that is also keeping me from the gym lately is this stupid nausea! It comes and goes everyday. I'm getting really sick of it. Ginger ale is my new best friend!
      Anyway, enough of the negativity. Things change now; I'm going to go back to just pushing through the pain. Wish me luck!

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