Monday, July 29, 2013

Two Month Update

      Today marks two months of trying to lose weight. I will admit I'm not where I thought I would be. I'm not going to blame it on excuses (though I do have some) because I know I didn't push myself 100%. To be honest, I am disappointed, but at the same time I'm proud of myself. The fact that I'm still going and pushing through the ups and downs is a big feat for me. Usually I stick to a diet for a week or so and then give up. This time I've stuck with it despite having taken a few days off here or there. So as of today I've lost 11.1 pounds and 18 inches. I still have a week before my doctors appointment to start Clomid and hope to lose a couple more pounds.
      I also have 10.5 weeks until we go home to MI for my BIL's wedding. I hope to lose a lot more pounds and inches before then. I've been looking at dresses for the rehearsal and wedding and am really hoping to lose enough weight to not feel like a whale in a dress. I want to feel comfortable and confidant and besides my wedding day, I don't think I've ever felt that way dressing up before.
      However, if I'm pregnant by then, then I won't care! I will be oh so happy! I don't want to get my hopes up, but I feel like we could be pregnant by then, or finding out around then. We shall see!

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