Friday, July 12, 2013

Round 2...CD 10

      As you all know I started Progesterone. I took it for 14 days, then stopped for 14 days; and will repeat this cycle. During the 14 days off, I started my first period in FOREVER. I have bled on and off for more than a year, during this time there were days where I wondered if I was having a normal period. However, it never lasted and never got as heavy as my normal periods used to be, and there was no actual start or stop dates. But, progesterone helped as during my break I started a real cycle. 2 days of light spotting, then 5 days of a heavy period, then 1 day of spotting. I had cramps, cravings, and mood swings. I have never been so excited for a period in my life!!!! I just started back up on the next 14 days of progesterone. I also am starting today my OPKs to find out if this all has helped me start ovulating too.
      My dieting and exercising comes and goes. I have good days and then bad days. My problem is that I do really well for a few days and then just assume that it'll stick; that I'm all of a sudden a thin, healthy person that doesn't really need to try. I know it doesn't actually make sense, and I really wish it was that easy and fast. I think though that regardless of this half-hearted attempt at weight loss, it is working somewhat and I think that this eating better and moving more in general is aiding in returning to a normal cycle.

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